Monday, March 6, 2017

Saturday, February 25 - Lily's Birthday

Saturday, February 25 - Lily's Birthday

Breakfast out!  We walked across the drawbridge since Danny's bike had torn up.  We took these 3 pictures from the  top of the bridge. 

 Our boat really is in this picture, we are overshadowed by our neighbors.

In the next block we found two breakfast places right next to one another.  We chose Jukebox Cafe - the food was great, including the grits, and the jukebox played good music, meaning I knew most of the songs.  We kept walking to see how far it was to Publix (not far), then walked back on the other side of the road.  Danny wanted to go in the Dollar Tree, what a shock!  It was a great place to pick up paper products, socks, and a pair of reading glasses for the tiny print on navigation charts.

I still needed a hair cut, so we stopped at a couple of shops on the way.  The one I picked was a pretty typical salon.  The lady I talked to, the one I thought was cutting my hair, walked me to the back and said, "I'm here to interpret, he doesn't speak English."  That made things interesting.  At least I didn't have to worry about making polite conversation.  He styled my hair with a "swoop" to show off my section of solid grey.  Oh, and the haircut was $20.00, the blow dry and style another $20.00.  That will teach me to ask different questions about prices!

On our way back to the boat, we saw this boat just down the dock from us.  The owners had gone back to Knoxville.

Since it was Saturday, we had a constant boat parade  in front of our boat.  Amazing boats, and so many of them.  Since the marina is at the foot of the drawbridge, the really large boats would come through in groups after the bridge opened, and others waited right in front of us for the bridge.

The beach was only three blocks from the marina, so we decided to take an afternoon swim.  At least Danny took a swim, I took a wade.  That water was freezing!  I don't think I have ever seen so many beach umbrellas.  The beach was covered with people and umbrellas as far as we could see in both directions.   We had a wonderful time watching a young family playing, but it made me homesick.

Robert and Pris arrived just as we got out of the shower back at the boat.  They had banked some weeks from their timeshare and used points for a place in Pompano Beach.  Of course it was wonderful to see them, we had a lot of catching up to do!

Our microwave died before Key West, and since we knew the Smiths could provide delivery service, we ordered a new Microwave/Convection oven on Amazon and had it shipped to their house.  We were excited to get it installed BUT is wouldn't fit into the hole over the stove.  Danny had measured very carefully but it lacked 3/16 of an inch going in.  Now tomorrow's shopping day has another item on the agenda.

I had my new iPhone shipped to their resort and was VERY anxious to get it and set it up.  But since only my name was on the box (I had asked them to send it to Robert's attention), they would not let Robert  pick it up.  This phone thing is killing me!  Maybe tomorrow.

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