Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Thursday, June 29 - Clayton, NY

Thursday, June 29 - Clayton, NY 

We headed out a little later this morning, thank goodness

One of our first sites on Lake Ontario today was a Canadian military ship.  That seemed weird somehow. 

This is the lighthouse at Cape Vincent, the beginning of the St. Lawrence Seaway.

You could definitely see the results of high water in St. Vincent. 

We had planned to tie up for the night here, but couldn’t find any docks, just this breakwater.  We kept moving. 

Clayton, NY was the next town, so we pulled in there.  The weather was still yucky, as you can tell by the jackets! 

More high water damage, this at the marina where we bought gas.

This tug looked like it should have bin in the Popeye movie. 

The marina where we bought gas didn’t have a pump-out facility, so we went to the other end of town to take care of that necessary process. 
This was the view from the end of the pump-out dock.  The gentleman working the dock said water was 6.5 feet higher than normal.  Once we got to the Canadian side of Lake Ontario, they said 3.5.  Whichever you believe, it’s very high! 

These swans swam right by our boat as we were leaving.  They are such beautiful birds. 

Clayton was the most confusing place to find a marina.  They were all named Clayton marina/municipal,/village, and most of them had changed names since our cruising guide was published.  And it was raining so the front “windows” were closed and we couldn’t see well.  We called and got directions to what we thought was the village dock.  I grabbed the cleat from the boat - WHOOO!!!!- and we went to find lunch and the office. This osprey was not pleased that we stopped so close to his/her nest.  She fussed at us the whole time! 

Stepping off the boat, Danny slipped and almost fell in the water.  The boards were green and very slippery.  We found out later that the dock had been under water for a long time.

The girls at the gas dock recommended Wood Boat Brewery for lunch.  We could see the building, but the only way to get to it was through the Antique Boat Museum.  That should have  been a clue.

As we were eating, and Danny was drinking his PBR at a brewery, we called the marina, and the guy told us we were at the wrong dock.  They had watched us walk up and then turn left instead of turning right and going to their office.  So after lunch, we went to talk to them, walked back through the Antique Boat Museum, and moved our boat.

Once at the correct dock, we proceeded to hook up, and their electricity would not work with ours.  We were so tired of worrying about marinas, we just stayed without electricity! 

The geese provided our evening entertainment.  I have never seen geese stay in the water so much.  Those weeds must be pretty tasty! 

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