Friday, April 21, 2017

Monday, April 17 - In Beaufort One More Day

Monday, April 17 - In Beaufort One More Day

We needed South Carolina fishing licenses.  Nobody seemed to know where you could get them.  After several tries, I found a website that listed retailers, and KMart was the only one close to us.  I called, yes they did sell them, so we checked out the marina car and headed out.  The loaner car here is first come, first served, and you can only keep it for one hour.  That makes it hard to plan, and an hour isn't long enough to do much shopping.  

On to KMart, where the first clerk told us that their fishing license machine was broken.  Thank goodness I was brassy enough to tell her we had called just a few minutes ago.  She found another clerk who said it had been fixed.  That did NOT mean that she knew how to use it!  It took MANY minutes to get our two licenses, and that didn't leave us time to eat lunch.  We had passed Wayback burgers yesterday on our bike trip, so decided to pick up something there so Danny could get his burger fix.  The burgers were wonderful, and their house made potato chips were excellent!  They were very crispy, well "done" - just like our friend David Bolus likes his potatoes!  I highly recommend them.  OMG - I'm blogging about food again!

Beaufort has so many beautiful homes, and we had only seen a few.  Plus, I wanted to take some pictures, so we took another bike ride.  These pictures were all taken in "The Point" where many of the antebellum homes are located.  I loved the trees!

There was a beautiful old boat docked at our marina.  I had admired it since we arrived, and wanted to take some pictures before we left.  The cabin was open and I smelled varnish.  The owner was there working on the boat and told us all about it.  It is a 1929 model, lots of wood that he says needs varnishing twice a year.  He is a carpenter and had done lots of work on it.  Wonderful to look at, but I certainly wouldn't want to do all the hard work to maintain it! 

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