Friday, January 13, 2017

Wednesday, January 11 - Errands Day

Danny's blood work for the cardiologist and rheumatologist was due, so we borrowed Karen and John's car and headed off.  We had reserved a rental car for Errand Day, but they insisted we use theirs.

The hospital was close, friendly, and efficient, so we were finished very quickly.  Home Depot was next, in search of plastic pads for the legs of the patio furniture.  The original ones have rusted in the salt air and stained the carpet.  We also bought carpet cleaner and rust remover.  Home Depot didn't have the battery for our radio remote so we pulled into CVS.  In the front of the store was a big table of Florida tourist shirts.  We both have some shirts that need replacing, and frankly we are tired of seeing the same shirts on each other.  So we picked out slightly tacky tourist shirts.  As we were checking out, the cute and friendly clerk said, "Ya'll aren't from around here, are you?"  When we replied no, she said "People around here don't buy those shirts."  We had a good laugh with her and she said she hoped to get to Tennessee one day.

Since we were out with a car, we decided to get Mexican food for lunch and Google maps recommended Poppo's. When we pulled in there was a Five Guys Burgers in the same strip.  Most of you mow how much we love their burgers and fries, but.

Mexican won out.
AAA for a new map and tour books, Winn Dixie for beer, Dollar General for "The Works" to clean rust off the swim platform - enough gory details.

On the way back to our boat, I tried some "artsy" pictures.  Stephanie will be proud of me!

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