Friday, September 8 - Grand Haven
Second sunrise in a
row. Cruising with this group of boats has interfered with my

Guess what we
saw? Another lighthouse and another beach! Grand Haven is
advertised as Michigan’s prettiest beach. It would get my vote,
especially with the beautiful turquoise water.
The approach to the
marina and town itself had some nice houses.
When we made marina reservations yesterday, we were told that no one would be available to help us dock. We didn’t have a problem because there was very little wind and the post I needed to lasso to bring us in was close and just the right height! Danny did his usual magnificent job of backing in so we could get off the boat from the swim platform.
Bill and Bobbie did
have a problem. When they tried to pull in, there was a spring line from
another boat tied all the way across their slip! A dockhand would have
been nice, They finally got someone on the phone to come down and move it.
This is one of
three municipal marinas in South Haven and had great facilities. We were
too far from town to walk and didn’t want to get the bikes down, so relaxed on
the boat for a while. While Danny was going something downstairs,
probably trying to get the TV fixed, i stayed upstairs to read. I hears a
loud clank and looked up the see this sailboat heading into another boat.
He caught his anchor on the second boat’s lines and had a very hard time
getting disentangled. I enjoyed watching the show.

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