Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Monday, April 24 - North of Charleston

Monday, April 24 - North of Charleston

It rained during the night, and put lots of water in our dinghy.  Danny had to bail, then he and Charles tipped it up to get the rest of the water out.

We needed to go to Trader Joe's for groceries and wine, and I needed smocking supplies for Margaret's outfit, so we headed for Mt. Pleasant.  Charles and Stephanie picked up breakfast while we shopped - Starbucks for them and Hardee's for us.  They dropped me at the needlework store just before opening time while they made a beer run.   When they return at 10:15 the store still hasn't opened.  Another customer drove up about 10:05 and called both owners on their cell phones, but no answer.  I hated that I didn't get the supplies, but even more that I caused extra trouble for everybody.

Back at the marina, we unloaded our groceries, Charles and Stephanie loaded the truck, and we said good-bye.  It had been six months since we saw them, maybe it won't be quite that long before we see them again.

Since the weather was "if-fy", we stayed at the marina a couple of hours extra.  We finally headed out and cruised through Awendaw, SC.  No, we ever heard of it, either.

For some reason, LOTS of birds followed us along this stretch.  I hope you can get the video.

McClellanville was the next settlement we passed.  Pretty houses, two dolphins, and an eagle perched in a tree!  (Danny can spot wildlife miles away!)

We finally saw an alligator!  At appropriately enough, Alligator Creek.  We didn't have time to get a picture, but we both can vouch for it's existence.

We anchored for the night on the South Santee River.  It was gorgeous! 

Danny fished a little but no luck.  It's a good thing we don't depend on our catch for meals! 

I couldn't resist taking pictures of the clouds.  Aren't they amazing?! 

Wonderful night on the water!

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